No, I’m not lazy quietly in different small workshops. Magazines are gradually emerging into the light, and I can show my work here. Today, it is a master class in the August issue of “favorite.”
For work, we need a basic fabric, padding polyester, fabric for the lining, and different materials for decoration.
To cover, carve out a rectangle whose size will depend on your tablet. I hope the width of the rectangle: width tablet + tablet + two thicknesses of 1 cm to 1 cm allowance for the thickness of batting. Height = height of rectangle plate + allowances. After the central part is cut, stitch it together with synthetic padding.
And sew the cover on the side seams. Try on the resulting “pouch” on the tablet. We see that all the measurements are done right.
Now take the lining. Take the same height as in the previous parts, but the width is calculated as the sum of allowances (I 1 cm) and the width of the inner parts, which were obtained in the previous step. (The fact that the width of the pad is slightly smaller than the width of the rectangle of the base fabric layer by batting). The lining is cut out on the lateral sew seams while carefully leaving an opening to cover, and then unscrewing can be on the front side. Try on the tablet.
Master class on the cover plate
It’s time to think about how the same case will be closed. You can use a magnetic button or, in my case, a sticker. I carved and sewed a small valve, which will close and cover.

Put the wrong part of the cover in the central rectangle of fabric (make sure that the items were placed with facial details to each other) between investing valve sews.
Evert the resulting cover on the front side (through the hole in the lining of the left), paving the decorative stitch along the top seam, and be sure to sew up the hole in the lining.