If you like plants but don’t have a garden where you can have them, or you want to place them inside the house as decoration, these seven plants we will tell you about below are perfect for that; all are capable of living in indirect sunlight.

It is enough to make space for them in a room and give it proper maintenance.
Plants that can live with indirect sunlight.
Guinean Joy (Impatiens Hawkeri)

Guinean Joy is an annual plant that endures in full bloom indoors. There is a great variety, with foliage and flowers in various colors.

Oxalis’ purple leaves stand out among green houseplants and are also photophilic, meaning the leaves open and close in response to light. At night, the leaves fold up, and during the day, they will open.

One of these versatile plants can be enjoyed as an indoor and outdoor plant.

Coleus or coleus are plants that we can have both outdoors and indoors. They grow best in relaxed environments without excessive heat.

A beautiful tropical plant you should have at home if you consider yourself a gardener is the begonia. Its flowers are reminiscent of the rose and can be red, white, or pink. Its Latin name is Begonia semperflorens, which in Latin means “always with flowers.” And its flowering, as its name suggests, occurs throughout the year, although with a decrease during autumn and winter. Other Begonia species will offer different colors, such as yellow or orange, although their bloom is more seasonal.

The croton is an indoor plant characterized by its bright autumn colors and great decorative power. The croton, whose scientific name is Codiaeum variegatum, is a trendy plant that, although it can be seen outdoors, is more commonly indoors.
There are only 14 known croton varieties, although all are characterized by needing the same care. The most used indoors are Croton Variegatum, also called Croton Petra, and Croton Pictum.
Colocasia (Elephant Ear)

Elephant ear (Colocasia) is a tropical plant that grows up to 3 m (9 ft) tall and produces large, arrow-shaped leaves, similar to the ears of an elephant. To grow this fantastic plant, plant the bulbs in early spring with the right soil conditions. Take care of it properly by watering and fertilizing it frequently to see it flourish.